Subscribe to Alerts

If you would like to subscribe to updates from our status dashboard, please select your desired notification method below and follow the instructions provided to complete your subscription.

Email Alerts

Enter your email address and select all services below for which you would like to receive email alert notifications - use search to narrow your selection options.  Click the subscribe button and we'll send you a confirmation email with a validation link to finalize your subscription.

ID Service Name Group Description Checked
3567 KPNEEN Kantoor Telefonie UC / Telecom
3568 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Public IoT
3652 VTM Internet Networking
3653 VTM Klantportal IT
4579 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Public IoT
4615 VTM Grip IT
4618 Microsoft Office 365 IT
4620 Printix IT
4626 KPNEEN Leverstraat BSD
4632 KPNEEN Hosted Firewall Networking
4634 Microsoft Teams Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
4636 VTM xDSL Networking
4638 VTM Glasvezel KPN Networking
4640 VTM Straalverbinding Tele2 Networking
4683 KPNEEN Mobiel UC / Telecom
4875 Microsoft Teams IT
5477 VTM Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
5478 VTM Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
5479 VTM Glasvezel Ziggo Networking
5637 VTM IoT AM5 Datacenter IoT
6027 VTM Glasvezel Delta Networking
6037 VTM Hosted WiFi Networking
6038 VTM 4G-Backup Networking
6039 KPNEEN xDSL KPN Networking
6040 KPNEEN Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
6041 KPNEEN Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
6042 KPNEEN Glasvezel KPN Networking
6043 KPNEEN Hosted WiFi Networking
6044 KPNEEN MKB TV Networking
6045 KPNEEN VaMo/AnyWhere UC / Telecom
6046 KPNEEN SIP Trunk UC / Telecom
6047 KPNEEN Teams Telefonie UC / Telecom
6048 KPNEEN App MijnGesprek UC / Telecom
6049 KPNEEN App Outlookintregratie UC / Telecom
6050 KPNEEN App InContact UC / Telecom
6051 KPNEEN App Webex UC / Telecom
6052 KPNEEN App Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
6092 KPNEEN Glasvezel Delta Networking
6211 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Secured IoT
6212 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Secured IoT
SMS Alerts

Enter your country code and mobile number and select all services below for which you would like to receive SMS alert notifications - use search to narrow your selection options. Click the subscribe button and we'll send you a confirmation SMS with a validation link to finalize your subscription.

ID Service Name Group Description Checked
3567 KPNEEN Kantoor Telefonie UC / Telecom
3568 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Public IoT
3652 VTM Internet Networking
3653 VTM Klantportal IT
4579 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Public IoT
4615 VTM Grip IT
4618 Microsoft Office 365 IT
4620 Printix IT
4626 KPNEEN Leverstraat BSD
4632 KPNEEN Hosted Firewall Networking
4634 Microsoft Teams Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
4636 VTM xDSL Networking
4638 VTM Glasvezel KPN Networking
4640 VTM Straalverbinding Tele2 Networking
4683 KPNEEN Mobiel UC / Telecom
4875 Microsoft Teams IT
5477 VTM Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
5478 VTM Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
5479 VTM Glasvezel Ziggo Networking
5637 VTM IoT AM5 Datacenter IoT
6027 VTM Glasvezel Delta Networking
6037 VTM Hosted WiFi Networking
6038 VTM 4G-Backup Networking
6039 KPNEEN xDSL KPN Networking
6040 KPNEEN Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
6041 KPNEEN Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
6042 KPNEEN Glasvezel KPN Networking
6043 KPNEEN Hosted WiFi Networking
6044 KPNEEN MKB TV Networking
6045 KPNEEN VaMo/AnyWhere UC / Telecom
6046 KPNEEN SIP Trunk UC / Telecom
6047 KPNEEN Teams Telefonie UC / Telecom
6048 KPNEEN App MijnGesprek UC / Telecom
6049 KPNEEN App Outlookintregratie UC / Telecom
6050 KPNEEN App InContact UC / Telecom
6051 KPNEEN App Webex UC / Telecom
6052 KPNEEN App Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
6092 KPNEEN Glasvezel Delta Networking
6211 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Secured IoT
6212 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Secured IoT
Webhook Alerts

Enter an endpoint Url and a management email address and select all services below for which you would like to receive webhook alert notifications - use search to narrow your selection options. Click the subscribe button and we'll send you a confirmation email with a validation link to finalize your subscription.

ID Service Name Group Description Checked
3567 KPNEEN Kantoor Telefonie UC / Telecom
3568 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Public IoT
3652 VTM Internet Networking
3653 VTM Klantportal IT
4579 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Public IoT
4615 VTM Grip IT
4618 Microsoft Office 365 IT
4620 Printix IT
4626 KPNEEN Leverstraat BSD
4632 KPNEEN Hosted Firewall Networking
4634 Microsoft Teams Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
4636 VTM xDSL Networking
4638 VTM Glasvezel KPN Networking
4640 VTM Straalverbinding Tele2 Networking
4683 KPNEEN Mobiel UC / Telecom
4875 Microsoft Teams IT
5477 VTM Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
5478 VTM Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
5479 VTM Glasvezel Ziggo Networking
5637 VTM IoT AM5 Datacenter IoT
6027 VTM Glasvezel Delta Networking
6037 VTM Hosted WiFi Networking
6038 VTM 4G-Backup Networking
6039 KPNEEN xDSL KPN Networking
6040 KPNEEN Glasvezel Tele2 Networking
6041 KPNEEN Glasvezel Eurofiber Networking
6042 KPNEEN Glasvezel KPN Networking
6043 KPNEEN Hosted WiFi Networking
6044 KPNEEN MKB TV Networking
6045 KPNEEN VaMo/AnyWhere UC / Telecom
6046 KPNEEN SIP Trunk UC / Telecom
6047 KPNEEN Teams Telefonie UC / Telecom
6048 KPNEEN App MijnGesprek UC / Telecom
6049 KPNEEN App Outlookintregratie UC / Telecom
6050 KPNEEN App InContact UC / Telecom
6051 KPNEEN App Webex UC / Telecom
6052 KPNEEN App Telefoniste bedienpost UC / Telecom
6092 KPNEEN Glasvezel Delta Networking
6211 VTM IoT Corporate Tele2 Secured IoT
6212 VTM IoT Corporate KPN Secured IoT